Learning shared is learning enhanced
Collaborative learning thrives within group sessions that are full of positive regard, serving as a platform for growth.
Individuals both influence and are influenced by the world around them, and Group Programs help highlight the impact of these interactions. These programs effectively foster consensus and understanding among participants on concepts or issues. There is power and reassurance in knowing we are not alone as we navigate through life.
Dolveen’s Claim
My interactive and introspective workshops span a wide range of topics in Psychology, Life Skills, Soft Skills, Mental Wellbeing and NLP. These workshops are appreciated by both corporate entities and educational institutions alike for their focus on leadership and life skills development. Leveraging principles and methodologies drawn from Psychology and NLP, I design customized programmes catering to your requirements and audience. Communication and connection are the foundation of my workshop sessions.
How does one see the difference
Our leadership programs are based on adult learning principles and incorporate activity-based methodologies. These activities are meticulously crafted to be both thought-provoking and insightful. Understanding and clarity is enhanced when the group explores the concepts together. Additionally, Dolveen provides ongoing support for any discussions that arise following the learning experience.
A Glimpse of a Few Leadership & Life Skills Workshops Taken
Conquering Change
Change is the only constant and yet we fight it. The only way to make sense of it, is to plunge right in and join the dance. Understand how you view change, what holds you back and to deal with it and accept change. You can’t change anything if you can’t change your mind. This lifeskill and leadership workshop helps you accept change in life and professional situations.
Feedback – Power and Privilege
There is no failure, only feedback. Feedback is what keeps us going. If you didn’t have feedback, you wouldn’t grow and yet it is what we fear to receive and cringe to give. This lifeskill and leadership workshop helps one understand the reasons for feedback and the emotional components involved and hone the art of giving and receiving the same.
Habits and Decisions – What Leads You
Habits are decisions we don’t pay attention to. You make habits and then habits make you. It is up to you how to exercise the power of choice that you have. Habits and decisions are the building blocks of your day and your life. Empower yourself to use these building blocks to build a life of your choice. This lifeskill workshop helps participants understand habits and the dynamics of habit formation, along with practical tips to help them leader a better life.
Conflict Management
We are all unique and the difference of opinion is inevitable. Conflict exists and so do you along with it. The beauty and challenge lie in handling it and coming out stronger and wiser from it. Let’s understand what makes a conflict, stages of a conflict, styles of managing one and how to manage yourself in a conflict. Losing peace trying to avoid conflict is never useful. It’s time to accept, deal and move on from conflict with this much-needed lifeskill workshop.
Resilience – And we bounce back
Man has never made any material more resilient than the human spirit. Resilience is the foundation of your existence. You are stronger than you think. It is important to remind yourself of the superpower and reclaim it. The courage to continue is all that counts and it’s time to dive right into this. This workshop has worked exceptionally well for entrepreneurs and leaders to understand how resilience shows up in life, what supports it and practical tips to strengthen it.
Mindfulness – A gift only you can give to yourself
Your attention and your focus is a privilege, so be mindful to whom and what you give it to. Your success and peace of mind depend upon it. Train your brain to be aware, open and receiving. It is time to Mind It! This group program for leaders has helped participants understand mindfulness, its importance and benefits, types and techniques and practice it in daily life. A guided mindfulness meditation is the finale of the session.
She has also played an important role in being a mentor to our career counsellors to upskill them in their learning journey. Dolveen's positive persona makes her connect really well with her audiences and makes her workshops very captivating. I personally have experienced many AHA moments in her talk or training sessions.
I take pride in the fact that I can design an engaging and relevant Programmes on any topic in the space of soft skills, life skills and personal development.
In schools Dolveen takes sessions for students, teachers and parents. The topics include career awareness, effective teaching strategies, study skills, innovating parenting, gender and cultural sensitivity, goal setting, to name a few.
Programmes to guide young adults to figure out their place in the world and help them explore the various facets they may want to adopt professionally and personally. Sessions on Emotional Intelligence , Innovating Mindsets for Success, Employability Skills, Preparing Young Leaders, Goal Setting, Say hello to the Future You, all serve the purpose to prepare the youth to move forward confidently.
Individual sessions are focused on you and your perspectives. The Group Programmes give you an opportunity to see how someone else views the topic and what their questions may be. It enhances your world view and helps you see things differently. And of course it is always an add on to confidence when you interact in a group and share your view point.
The connect is with the person in the audience, not to the designation or the role the person is playing. Every interaction is finally an individual dealing with another individual and this is where my background in psychology and NLP comes into play. If we can deal and heal the person, we can deal and heal any issue at hand.
A Group Programmes are a great start to explore any topic and explore self in the context of that topic. It can often lead to a desire to dive deeper and explore further, and for that we can discuss personal coaching plan most suitable for you.
Get in Touch
You are significant. You are unique. You are strong. And you are HERE.
And now, tell me how I can help add on to this. I promise two things:
- Acceptance and Clarity
- Revert within 48 hours, no matter what