Your past is your best teacher

best teacher in the world

Dear Dolveen Bhatti circa 2015
You’ve been the best teacher, ever! 💕
All that I’m today is what I’ve learnt from you.

Some lessons I have learnt are —

📚 When I accept myself, others’ validation doesn’t matter — I am pursuing Masters in Self Love 💕🙂

📚 I am worthy of love, respect and investments in myself — I have invested hugely in my future 💎🙂

📚 Some people will form judgement no matter what I do or don’t do — So now I do my own thing, no matter what🙂

📚 How to take charge of the narrative of my own life — I write my own script daily🖋🙂

📚 To let go of beliefs that were limiting me — You’ve been a patient teacher and you’ve repeated this so often. I will ace this too.✔️🙂

📚 To embrace my Authentic Self and that any other version of me isn’t a patch on the Authentic Self version — My Authentic Self says thank you too 🙏🏻🙂

📚 To move forward and take the leap of faith with commitments to self, health and work — These commitments are still paying great dividends 👍🏻🙂

📚 To walk away from the mindset that is not empowering — Only when I left the old, could I welcome the new 🤗🙂

📚 It is possible (though not easy) to say goodbye to the parts of self that are not serving me anymore. — When I did this, I discovered and made friends with such interesting and fun parts of self, that were waiting for me all along 😍🙂

Dolveen Bhatti of the Past, the lessons learnt in The-Time-Gone-By School have been etched forever. Thank you for these Life Lessons.

Learning from you has given me the confidence to move forward with strength and a smile.🙂

I have not been an easy-to-teach student, I acknowledge and hence appreciate your efforts even more. 💕🙏🏻

Sincere gratitude for your presence in my life. 🙏

There are so many more lessons I know, and I am eager to learn. 🙂

Warm Regards!

Suggested Readings:

How a Clarity Coach Can Help You Overcome Indecision

What Not to be Influenced By

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  1. Pingback: Clarity Coaching: How it Helps with Authentic Living - Dolveen Bhatti

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